- Aim at having a life in your life.
- Love is not obsession, it is not controlling. It’s first of all trust then comes giving, sharing, caring and accepting.
- Most of the time you are not aware of the bigger plan, so be careful with the small steps you take, of which you are aware.
- The woman doesn't just seek a man to love but also a man who is able to love.
- Each one of us has his/her own share of pain, I just wish that we could give each other the excuse and the space.
- I agree that we shouldn't magnify our pain, but it still hurts, it's still pain.
- I wish to live till the day when humans admit that they don't have full control over this world, when they admit that their understanding on their own is limited.
- Since it's only me and myself after all, I guess I've to do my best to try to keep myself happy.
- If you can't find pleasure in simple things, how do you expect to find it in big ones.
- Why bad things happen to good people ? well.. I think because they are the best to know how to handle it in a good way :-).
- Since very early in my life I refused to be the doll, I refused to be the amuser, but it seems that "who I am" became my curse, how strange and confusing and consuming this life could be!
- People sometimes misinterpret religion, but if you ask me, I would say that religion truly and in essence is all about being positive, it is about bringing out the best in you.
- I wonder if people who built their relationships on scoring points, wrestling and mind games realize that this is a waste of time and energy big time.
- Big difference between "Stubbornness" and "Perseverance", stubbornness is when you insist on your stand whether it's right or wrong, Perseverance is when you insist while knowing deep inside that you are on the right track.
- I find it a bit strange that people can live & enjoy being superior in the eyes of other people, but accept being inferior within themselves.
- Something that I've noticed lately, which is that people keep lying to themselves and to others until they lose track of the truth, within themselves and with others.
- Sometimes the last straw is actually what makes you stronger !!
- Life is tough, no doubt, after admitting that let's just fight, live and get over with it.
- The one who gets me will be the one.
- We were once one, we have one origin, which indicates that with tolerance and an open mind we can cope and live togother.
جهل المقهور ، نعمة للقاهر و نقمة للمقهور-
حين يرميني أحد بلقب مثقفة استشعر الرهبة لظني أني لا أستحق اللقب بعد، فهناك الكثير الذي لا أعرفه و الكثير لأراجعه، أشعر بأن الثقافة و المعرفة بحر كبير، و أنا مازلت أقف علي شاطئه و لم تمس قدمي مياهه بعد
لا أري عيبا في أن أنتمي إلي هذا الجانب أو ذاك، فهذا ليس مانعا في أن أرغب في نفس الوقت في التوافق بين هذا و ذاك