- Use your curiosity not to poke your nose into others’ affairs but rather in the world’s affairs.
- If you really want to learn, discover yourself first.
- When you feel angry or envious it’s Ok, God knows that you will have those feelings, and because God knows us very well, God gave us the tools to deal with those feelings and fight them in what we know as “Bigger Gihad”.
- When you start giving you are not losing, people don’t take from your share, but rather they are taking from God’s share which is endless.
- Each time you surrender to people's invitation/pressure to reply back with evil, you are actually not winning the battle, but losing yourself a bit by bit, which is the real lose.
- Be yourself & make the best out of it. There is a reason for being the way you are.
- When you see people who live by their principles, you can call them the exception, but don’t tell me that they can’t be imitated, because they exist.
- The biggest blessing you will ever enjoy and in the same time suffer from is “Compassion”.
- Knowledge is embedded within you and in the universe, if you would notice, those who wrote the books from the beginning of time wrote them when there were no books then.
- Take your time understanding the information rather than being too much into collecting it.
- Don’t try to change yourself for someone because you still won’t fit. Be yourself and search for your match.
- Taking the safe choice all the time doesn’t mean that you are safe. Risk is inescapable.
- Don't bother yourself searching or picking on people's flaws, it's between them and God.
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