Thursday, January 21, 2010

Don’t show off with your sins

People consider themselves smart, smart in pretending to be what they want others to think they are, although they know that they are not.

They forget that God is smarter, and that he can ruin their plans. They think they can fool people, and mostly they can but they can’t fool God.

But because they aren’t as smart as they think they are, they reveal their true self without noticing, in what they say, their facial expressions, the logic they use and the overall consistency of their behavior, these are things out of their control, controlling all this is above their mental capabilities.

If you concentrate hard enough you will get it, you will bring down their false buildings, this exposure might shock them and turn the love or care to “Envy”, but they just don’t know that “Envy” is a fire burning those who start it.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This is what I think..... (I)

- Use your curiosity not to poke your nose into others’ affairs but rather in the world’s affairs.

- If you really want to learn, discover yourself first.

- When you feel angry or envious it’s Ok, God knows that you will have those feelings, and because God knows us very well, God gave us the tools to deal with those feelings and fight them in what we know as “Bigger Gihad”.

- When you start giving you are not losing, people don’t take from your share, but rather they are taking from God’s share which is endless.

- Each time you surrender to people's invitation/pressure to reply back with evil, you are actually not winning the battle, but losing yourself a bit by bit, which is the real lose.

- Be yourself & make the best out of it. There is a reason for being the way you are.

- When you see people who live by their principles, you can call them the exception, but don’t tell me that they can’t be imitated, because they exist.

- The biggest blessing you will ever enjoy and in the same time suffer from is “Compassion”.

- Knowledge is embedded within you and in the universe, if you would notice, those who wrote the books from the beginning of time wrote them when there were no books then.

- Take your time understanding the information rather than being too much into collecting it.

- Don’t try to change yourself for someone because you still won’t fit. Be yourself and search for your match.

- Taking the safe choice all the time doesn’t mean that you are safe. Risk is inescapable.

- Don't bother yourself searching or picking on people's flaws, it's between them and God.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

What you are saying is just simple, I already know..

We often hear that, but do we really know, you might hear something, you certainly know the information but that doesn’t mean that you “KNOW”. I’m not talking about terminologies or rocket science, I am talking about meanings in life.

I really love proverbs & quotes, they are simple in their form but when it comes to the meaning they carry it’s huge. You can just read one line but keep wondering and pondering about the meaning for a long time, and you can be really lucky if you were able to apply it someday. When I come across such words I just get overwhelmed.

Let me share with you some of the wise words I’ve collected throughout my life, since university I started to carry a small notebook in my hand bag, and whenever I come across something I like, I just write it down and keep it for the future.

Here are some, some of those words I only know, some I really understand, some I am still working on understanding and others I already applied:

-The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word feeling like it was the best conversation you’ve ever had.

-The only way not to commit a mistake is to do nothing, and this in our world today is the ultimate mistake.

- You got to be the change you wish to see in this world.

- What you choose now is what you be.

- The more you know, the less you need to show.

- By “making sense” of our experience that we human beings grow wiser.

- Seek respect rather than popularity.

- Protect your enthusiasm from negativity of other people.

- Believe in miracles but never depend on them.

- Be willing to accept a temporary inconvenience for a lasting improvement.

- If you don’t go after what you want you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you are always in the same place.

- Whenever you share the goodness in your heart, you always end up “winning”, because life is an echo, it gives back what you have given.

- No trumpets sound when the important decisions of our life are made. Destiny is made known silently.

- من لا أعداء له، لا رأي له، و من لا رأي له، لا وجود له. ثروت اباظة

- ما نملكه لا نحافظ عليه، بل و الأكثر من ذلك أن ماتملكه اليد تزهده النفس. انطون تشيخوف

- برؤسنا لا برؤسهم يجب أن نفكر.

- المغلوب مولع بتقليد الغالب. بن خلدون

- ينبغي أن ندرك في تطور الحداث و تغير تصاريف الزمان لعب الطوارئ غير المرتقبة و المقادير غير المنظورة.

- ما لك سوف يأتيك في ضعفك و ما ليس لك لن يأتيك بقوتك.

- كلما اتسعت الرؤية ضاقت العبارة.

- من عرف من لا يصلحون له فقد عرف الصالح المنشود. عبد الوهاب مطاوع

- المعتدل هو طبيب نفسه. حسن البصري

- إن العقل هو الذي يصنع الخير و الشر، و هو الذي يجعل الإنسان سعيدا أو شقيا. هربرت سبنسر

- لن يغني حذر من قدر

- الأخيار و الفضلاء: إذا رضوا لم يدخلهم الرضا في باطل، و إذا غضبوا لم يخرجهم الغضب عن حق، و إذا قدروا عفوا.

- أراك قد افسدت عليه دنياه و أفسد عليك آخرتك.

- لو رزق المؤمن الفهم في المنع عاد المنع عين العطاء

- من طلب عزا بالباطل، أورثه الله ذلا بالحق

- من مدحك فإنما مدح مواهب الله فيك، فالشكر لمن منحك و ليس من مدحك. الحسن البصري

- الغرور هو نعمة الله لأصحاب النفوس الصغيرة. شكسبير

- كن كالنخيل عن الأحقاد مرتفعا بالطوب يرمي فيعطي أطيب الثمر.

- إن أخطر ما يقع فيه الإنسان هو أن يسئ تقدير ذكاء الأخرين، فيفترض فيهم الغباء. عبد الوهاب مطاوع

You know the way..remember that

People will tell you “Don’t do it”, some people will fear for you, others would just want to hinder you. But I tell you “Go for it”, you can be whatever you dream to be, believe it hard enough and you will reach it, or at least die trying.

Believe your own self, trust your instinct, you see things others don’t see and this is enough to make you understand it differently and can deal with it differently.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t listen to others, or that people’s advice doesn’t count, but again they see it from their own perspective, their own window let’s say. What they say might help you broaden your view but again the last call is yours, it’s your life.